Baca juga Penubuhan Partai Komunis Malaya (PKM) dan penglibatan Chin Peng sehingga keakhir hayatnya disebelah bawah (dalam bahasa Inggeris)
Chin Peng
( Most Wanted Man In Malaya),
"Public Enemy No. 1" - NST
Alhamdulillah, kita bersyukur kerana YAB Dato' Sri Najib Tun Razak begitu bertegas bukan sahaja tidak membenarkan mayat atau abu Chin Peng dibawa balik, malahan Kerajaan tidak akan memberi sebarang penghormatan kepada mayat Chin Peng. Pendek kata tegas Perdana Menteri, Kerajaan tidak ada kena-mengena dan tidak mahu ambil tahu mengenai mayat Chin Peng yang mati di Bangkok, Thailand.
Kebetulan tarikh kematian Chin Peng bersamaan dengan Hari Malaysia Ke-50 dan Hari Angkatan Tentera Ke 80. Satu ulangtahun yang sangat bermakna bagi rakyat dan negara Malaysia kali ini.
Bagaimanapun isu samada mayat Chin Peng wajar dibawa balik dan disimpan di Malaysia masih lagi diperdebatkan.
Samada dalam kalangan komponen Barisan Nasional mahupun pakatan pembangkang, terdapat suara-suara sumbang yang mahukan mayat Chin Peng dibenarkan dibawa balik dengan pelbagai alasan diberikan.
Ada yang mendakwa Perjanjian Damai Haadyai 1989 mewajibkan Kerajaan
membenarkan mayatnya dibawa balik. Ada yang mendakwa beliau anak
kelahiran Sitiawan, maka wajib dibenarkan dia dibawa balik dan ditanam
di tempat kelahiran. Ada yang mendakwa Chin Peng pejuang kemerdekaan,
maka dia perlu diberi penghormatan sewajarnya. Ada yang mendakwa
keluarganya ada di Sitiawan, maka sewajarnyalah dia dibenarkan kembali
walaupun dalam bentuk abu!
1. Perlu diingatkan Chin Peng bukan warganegara Malaysia, dan tidak
pernah menjadi warganegara Malaysia walaupun konon beliau diberitakan
dilahirkan di Sitiawan. Malahan dalam permohonan Chin Peng melalui saman
di Mahkamah, beliau gagal membuktikan bahawa beliau adalah seorang
warganegara. Jadi tidak timbul persoalan untuk mayat atau abu beliau
patut dibawa kembali ke Malaysia.
2. Salah satu terma Perjanjian Damai Haadyai 1989 bilamana anasir
subversif dan pengganas daripada Partai Komunis Malaya bersetuju
meletakkan senjata ialah mereka dibenarkan kembali ke Malaysia dengan
syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan; namun anggota kanan PKM tidak dibenarkan balik ke Malaysia langsung. Dan ini termasuk Chin Peng, Rashid Madin dan lain-lain. Dan syarat ini diketahui oleh Chin Peng;
3. Dakwaan konon Chin Peng ada anak keluarga di Malaysia tidak boleh
dijadikan alasan. Lagipun Abdullah CD, bekas Pengerusi PKM dan rakan
setia Chin Peng menyatakan bahawa Chin Peng tidak pernah membela pun
anak-anak dia selama ini (lihat artikel tribut Abdullah CD kepada Chin
Peng bertajuk "Dengan Kesedihan, Berehatlah Komrad Chin Peng" disiarkan di 18.09.2013);
4. Dakwaan menyatakan konon Chin Peng adalah pejuang kemerdekaan
ternyata meleset. Saya telah menerima artikel berikut yang ditulis oleh
Kolonel (B) Sharom Hashim yang saya rasa cukup terang dan jelas
PKM - Partai Komunis Malaya
yang ditubuhkan pada awal tahun 30an bekerjasama dengan pihak British
menentang Jepun bukan hanya untuk membebaskan Malaya tetapi mempunyai
agenda lebih besar dari apa yang kita ketahui.
i. PERTAMA, untuk
mendapatkan bekalan senjata, peluru dan latihan ketenteraan dari pihak
British. Selepas perang kesemua senjata ini tidak dipulangkan, malah
digunakan pula untuk memerangi pihak British.
ii. KEDUA, matlamat utamanya
adalah untuk mendominasi politik di MALAYA selepas perang dunia kedua
menukar sistem pemerintahan kepada sebuah Republik Komunis. Ini
dengan percubaan mengambil alih pemerintahan di Malaya oleh PKM dan
kuncu-kuncunya sejurus selepas kekalahan Jepun. Kalau tidak kerana
penentangan berani masyarakat Sg. Manik dan kembalinya pihak British ke
Malaya, mungkin lebih ramai orang Melayu akan di sembelih.
iii. KETIGA,
orang-orang Cina memang berdendam dengan Jepun. Ini kerana Jepun telah
menyerang CHINA pada tahun 1937 dan seterusnya membunuh dan menyeksa
berjuta rakyatnya. Pembabitan PKM menentang Jepun di Malaya adalah
sekadar membalas dendam dan melindungi kepentingan orang Cina di
iv. KEEMPAT, Malaya adalah 'lombong emas' bagi British dan KOMUNIS
CHINA. Bagi PKM menguasai Malaya dari segi politik dan ekonomi akan
membolehkannya membantu negara asal membina semula ekonomi yang telah
ranap akibat peperangan menentang penjajah dan peperangan sesama
v. Mulai 1969 hingga 1989. kita saksikan PKM terus melaksanakan
revolusi bersenjata yang meyebabkan ribuan angguta pasukan keselamatan
dan rakyat kita (termasuk Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan, Iban dan
lain-lain) terkorban ataupun cedera. Tidak kurang juga harta benda
negara di musnahkan.
Semasa itu kita sudah pun merdeka. Nak bebas apa
lagi ! Bukankah mereka ingin bebaskan MALAYSIA dari kepimpinan Bangsa
Melayu? Herokah Chin Peng ini? Hero untuk siapa? Untuk orang Melayu tak
mungkin. Untuk orang Cina Malaysia, ramai juga yang merasai kekejaman
dan mati ditangan PKM, dan sama-sama berjuang menentang bermati-matian terhadap mereka.
Kemungkinan besar Chin Peng hanya ingin berbakti kepada negara asal
ibundanya, Republik Komunis China.
Sharom Hashim
5. Satu perkara yang saya agak musykil ialah mengapa semasa Allahyarham
Rashid Madin, bekas pimpinan utama PKM dan Ketua Rejimen Ke-10 PKM
(pengganas Melayu) meninggal dunia pada 01 Sep 2006 di Sisakoin, Selatan
Thailand, langsung tidak kedengaran bunyi mendesak jenazah Allahyarham
dibawa balik ke Malaysia untuk dikebumikan.
Rashid Madin anak jati kelahiran Kampung Gunung Mesah, Gopeng, Perak
yang dilahirkan pada 10 Okt 1917. Ibubapa dan ahli keluarganya masih
berada di Malaysia. Beliau belajar awalnya di Madrasah Kg. Gunung Mesah,
kemudiannya ke Sekolah Melayu Gunung Panjang hingga Darjah 5.
Madin berkahwin dengan Hamidah tahun 1938 dan dikurniakan empat orang
anak. Beliau kemudiannya berkahwin lagi dengan komrad komunisnya bernama
Selamah bt Abdullah dan dikurniakan seorang anak.
Madin adalah orang kanan Chin Peng dan sentiasa bersama beliau samada
dalam perjuangan dihutan, mewakili PKM dalam mesyuarat gerakan komunis
di London 1947, wakil PKM dalam Rundingan Baling 1955, dan mewakili PKM
bersama Chin Peng dalam Perjanjian Damai Haadyai 1989.
Seperti Chin Peng, Rashid Madin tidak pernah menjadi, atau diterima menjadi warganegara Malaysia setelah kemerdekaan 1957.
mengapa kematian Rashid Madin tidak dijadikan isu oleh suara-suara
sumbang yang kini mendesak bukan sahaja mayat Chin Peng dibenarkan
dibawa balik untuk dikebumikan di Malaysia, malah ada yang lebih biadap
dan kurang ajar mendesak mayat pengganas ini diberi pernghormatan
sebagai pejuang kemerdekaan negara!
suara-suara sumbang itu menjadi syaitan bisu hanya kerana Rashid Madin
beragama Islam dan seorang Melayu? Tepuk dada tanyalah otak sendiri!
juga sedih dan terkilan melihat ada suara-suara sumbang pimpinan
berbangsa Melayu dikalangan pembangkang yang meminta supaya mayat Chin
Peng dibenarkan balik ke Malaysia! Apakah mereka ini buta sejarah? Atau
buat hati? Atau sekadar bersandiwara politik demi undi tanpa memikirkan
kepentingan agama, bangsa dan negara?
Malah ada peliwat-peliwat demokrasi yang menyeru supaya "let bygone be bygone".
Mereka meminta kita melupakan sejarah kekejaman dan kezaliman anasir
subversif dan pengganas komunis PKM pimpinan Chin Peng yang telah
membunuh rakyat Malaysia pelbagai agama dan kaum. Mereka meminta kita
melupakan darah rakyat Malaysia pelbagai agama dan kaum yang berlumuran
ditangan Chin Peng! Untuk apa? Untuk mendapat undi? Untuk menang
lebih parah, ada kalangan anak muda Malaysia termasuk bangsa Melayu
yang tak tahu hujong pangkal sejarah keganasan Chin Peng dan PKM, yang
terpengaruh dengan politik sempit, rasis, ekstremis dan dakyah serta
sentimen emosi mainan cauvinis dan pembangkang, menyatakan sokongan
supaya mayat Chin Peng dibenarkan dibawa balik, dan kata mereka "kami bersedia menyambut jenazah Chin Peng untuk disempurnakan sebagai pahlawan!!!".
mereka ini begitu buta sejarah, buta hati perut sampai tidak tahu
membezakan yang hak dan batil, yang benar dan zalim? Dimana silap kita
sehingga lahir anak-anak muda sebodoh dan sebangang ini?
Wallahua'alam dan wassalam.
Adios amigos, grasias senor.
Zulkifli Bin Noordin
14 ZulQaedah 1434
20 Sept 2013
Chin Peng dies in Bangkok
Former hand picked British stooge Chin Peng died in Bangkok today, Thai newspaper Bangkok Post reported. He would have turned 90 this October 21.
Chin Peng led the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) for seven years only from 1948 to 1955. His mostly Chinese guerrillas fought against British and Commonwealth forces to establish a satellite Chinese Communist state in the then Malaya.
Chin Peng, whose real name was Ong Boon Hua, ran away from Malaya to Thailand in 1955. He was 34 years old at that time. When he ran away from Malaya he was replaced as the Secretary general of the CPM by one Ah Hai. Chin Peng was no more the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Malaya since 1955.
He lived in the jungles in Thailand until 1960. In 1960 he left Thailand and ran away to China and lived in Beijing until the 1980s.
The MCP signed a peace agreement in Haadyai with the Thai and Malaysian Governments in 1989 to end hostilities. The Haadyai Agreement was inked on December 2, 1989 by CPM leaders and senior government officials representing Malaysia and Thailand and signalled the end of the decades-long jungle war in the two countries.
Until 1948 the leader of the Communist Party of Malaya was Loi Tek. Here is something I wrote in 2008 about Loi Tek and the Communist Party of Malaya. I titled it '
Chin Peng - A Wasted Life' :
"The first Secretary General of the Communist Party of Malaya was one Loi Tek (an ethnic Vietnamese - so how was he a freedom fighter in Malaya) who was a British Agent.
Lai Tek @ Loi Tek @ Lai Te @ Wright @ Nguyen Van Long @ Chan Hong aged about 38, had been a French agent in Vietnam but was arrested by the French.
Then he was “sent” by the French to the British in Hong Kong where Loi Tek became a British agent, helping the British smoke out Communist labour unions in the Hong Kong docks. Until his disappearance in 1947 Loi Tek could not speak a word of Malay.
In the late 1930s, the Brits “sent” Loi Tek to Singapore and handled him when he organised the port workers' unions in Singapore. Since Loi Tek had frends in the COMINTERN, the Brits were fully informed of the COMINTERN’s decision about that time to set up Communist insurrections around South East Asia.
Loi Tek was then co-opted by the British when he organised the Communist Party of Malaya on Comintern instructions. From day one, the British knew the inside out of the CPM.
During the Japanese occupation of Malaya, Loi Tek remained behind in Malaya and became an agent of the Kempeitai. Loi Tek had free access to travel during the Japanese occupation.
When the Japs invaded Malaya in 1941, Chin Peng was 17 years old. (Chin Peng was born on October 21, 1924). Before the Japanese invasion, he wanted to go to China and join Mao Tse Tung to fight the Japanese there. But since the Japs came here to Malaya, the fight came to Chin Peng. So he did not have to go to China.
When the Japs invaded Malaya, Chin Peng started going underground. Even at this time Chin Peng was NOT a member of the Communist Party of Malaya. He was a member of Mao Tse Tung’s Anti Enemy Backing Up Society, HQ in China - whose No 1 enemy was Japan - not the Brits.
At this time Chin Peng had no idea that someday in the future, anyone would be saying that he was a freedom fighter for Malaya! Chin Peng had no idea about the CPM. He did not know what it was.
Chin Peng had joined Mao Tse Tung’s Anti-Enemy Backing Up Society (AEBUS) and NOT the Communist Party of Malaya. The AEBUS later evolved into the Min Yuen.
In 1943 the British sent in Spencer Chapman and a few other agents to organise resistance AMONGST THE MALAYAN CHINESE against the Japanese. Two vehicles were chosen FOR THE MALAYAN CHINESE ie the Communist Party of Malaya for the Communists and the Kuomintang for the Chiang Kai Shek supporters. By this time Chin Peng was a member of the anti Japanese Forces, later to be known as the Malayan People's Anti Japanese Army or MPAJA.
The Malayan chapter of the Kuomintang later became the Malaysian Chinese Association or MCA.
Two Brits, Davis and Broome were landed by submarine at Segari, Perak along with Lim Bo Seng (representing Chiang Kai Shek’s Kuomintang) to meet Loi Tek (representing the Mao Tse Tung Communists). Spencer Chapman was in the Pahang jungles and walked from there to meet up with Broome and Davis on Christmas day (December 25th) 1943 near Bidor.
Chin Peng was present as Broome's guide. The meeting took place at a place called Blantan near Bidor in Perak.
Loi Tek drove up from Singapore in a car, during Japanese occupation. He was NOT molested by the Japanese.
When these folks all met at the Blantan camp on December 30-31, 1943, Spencer Chapman knew Loi Tek (the Sec Gen of the CPM and Chin Peng’s Boss) was a British spy because Chapman had met Loi Tek before on December 19, 1941 in Geylang in Singapore when Loi Tek was handled by the British Special Branch in Singapore.
Then Loi Tek (for the Communists), Lim Bo Seng (for the Kuomintang) and the other British agents present at Blantan (Broome, Davis etc) signed a piece of scrap paper about some agreement. The so called agreement was written by hand and was written on school notebook paper.
Chin Peng did not sign because at this time he was only 19 years old and did not know anything. At this meeting he used the fake name Chen Chin Sheng. Since Loi Tek was already Chapman’s ‘agent’, Chapman did not sign the agreement (maybe Chapman could not take the hypocrisy).
It is interesting to note that both Loi Tek and Lim Bo Seng signed using fake names. Loi Tek used the name Chang Hong. Lim Bo Seng used the name Tan Choon Lim. Fake names do not a treaty make.
During the Japanese occupation, Loi Tek kept betraying CPM leaders to the Japanese. In one famous incident the so called ‘top leadership’ of the CPM (actually squatter farmers, rubber tappers, carpenters etc) was wiped out by the Japanese during a ’secret’ meeting in Batu Caves. Loi Tek had informed the Japs of the secret meeting.
Then in 1945 after the Japs surrendered, Loi Tek became a British agent again. He fully briefed the Brits about who was who in the CPM. (Still no freedom fighters there). Curiously despite many 'leaders' of the fledgling CPM having suffered death, Chin Peng not only survived but was handpicked by Loi Teck (the British spy) to lead the Communists in Perak. This was in 1943.
Finally by 1947 the CPM started becoming suspicious that their Sec Gen Loi Tek was an enemy agent. The Brits told Loi Tek about this. Loi Tek escaped along with a million Dollars of CPM party funds. They say that Loi Tek ran away to Thailand where he was killed by the Thai Communists. Others have said the Brits spirited Loi Tek to London. Till today Loi Tek remains a mystery.
Chin Peng and the CPM leadership were incensed and suffered great loss of face. To save face, Chin Peng and the CPM decided to take revenge on the Brits. They killed some British planters. Hence I think it was a retaliation against the Brits for making such fools of the CPM. There was no freedom fighting involved. It was a simple case of ’Bloody shit, the Brits have made such idiots of us’.
From 1941 until 1948 Chin Peng was made a total fool and idiot by Loi Tek the leader of the CPM. Loi Tek was a British spy. Since Chin Peng was Loi Tek's hand picked boy, Chin Peng's elevation to the leadership of the Communist Party of Malaya was also with the blessing of the British. The British made fools of everyone.
In 1948 the British Government which was still recovering from the Second World War was almost bankrupt. They needed money from their colonies to rebuild war ravaged England.
UMNO was formed in 1946 and was demanding for Independence by 1948. The British could not consider independence for Malaya in 1948 because Malaya was an important source of revenue for the British.
By a huge, unimaginable coincidence, Chin Peng ordered his guerrilas to murder three British planters in Perak in 1948. This prompted the British to declare a state of Emergency. Any ideas of Independence for Malaya were extinguished. Thanks to Chin Peng, Malayan independence was postponed by nine years to 1957. Or was it really thanks to Chin Peng? Or did the British just use Chin Peng as an excuse to postpone granting us independence?
Because by 1950 Chin Peng was already losing the fight. Chin Peng ran away from Malaya to Thailand in 1955. In 1960 Chin Peng ran away to Beijing. This means Chin Peng lived in Malaya for 34 years only. For 56 years he has lived outside Malaya.
The British granted Malaya independence in 1957. Rubber prices had fallen drastically in 1956 and 1957 - after the end of the Korean War. The British did not have enough revenue from Malaya to pay the salaries of the Malayan Civil Servants. So they finally let the Malayans manage their own affairs.
Comments by Tun Haniff Omar who was the Inspector General of Police at the time of the Haadyai Peace Accords:

"Chin Peng dedicated himself to the Communist Internationale soon after the Japanese invasion of China in the late 1930s. On the direction of the USSR, he and the CPM cooperated with the British Force 136 to fight the Japanese Occupation of Malaya.
After the war, he carried out the order of the USSR to plunge Malaya into a cruel insurrection for 41 years. On the advice of his international mentor, he carefully kept the power within the CPM in the hands of its Chinese leaders. His struggle was to make us a communist satellite state - not a free country with democratic freedom to choose our system and leadership of government.
From my first day as a police officer in 1959 to Dec 1989 I was fighting CPM terrorists or subversives.
In 1988, they made overtures to talk us into a peace agreement through Rashid Maidin's letter to Tun Ghaffar Baba and the Thai Army. I asked Tan Sri Rahim Noor, my Director Special Branch to clear with the Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed to accept the offer to talk peace with the CPM - although it was already a spent force so that we could put them aside and concentrate fully on our national and economic development without further distractions.
We were generous in our peace terms and allowed all the CPM terrorists of Malaysian and Singapore origins and their families to return to Malaysia provided they applied to do so within one year of signing the Agreement. About 300 ex terrorists returned but we did not sight any application from Chin Peng.
I have no love for him yet would have fought for the terms of the Agreement to be honoured only because of the principle that our honour demands that we keep our side of any bargain.
When Chin Peng applied many years after the Agreement to return, he had missed the boat and there was absolutely no reason to admit him unless he could prove he had applied within that one year window. This he wasn't able to do.
We have nothing to do with him now and I do not see why we should even allow his ashes in. We should look after those who stoutly fought and defeated him, particularly the families of those of all races who died or were maimed fighting him and the CPM.
Those of his followers who refused the chance we gave to return to Malaysia in 1989 and 1990 should be left alone outside our country. They should not be allowed to return under the terms of the Haadyai Peace Agreement whereby we forgave them for their crimes. One of those who chose not to return was the No.1 killer of my predecessor, IGP Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Hashim. Surely we do not want him back without facing murder charges."
Tun Haniff Omar